Russian (CIS)English (United Kingdom)

Latest Issue № 6, 2020

Rules for submission of articles

Editorial Board of the journal Economic Policy takes into consideration the original, previously unpublished papers on the following topics:

  • Economic theory and practice;
  • Economic analysis and forecasting;
  • Economic history.

The article should have a scientific novelty, relevance of the problem, clarity of presentation and be of interest to a wide audience. Before submitting the author should be familiar with the standards of publishing ethics adopted in the journal Economic Policy.

Article in electronic form should be sent to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . The volume of articles should be between 20 to 60 thousand characters (including spaces).

The article should have the following structure.

1. Information about authors (for each author): first name, last name, degree, title, position, place of work (study) — the full name of the organization, its post address (including zip code); e-mail (will be published in the journal).

2. Title of the article (should be informative, disclose the contents of the article and not exceed 8 words).

3. Abstract (about 200—300 words). Abstract text should be clear and concise, free from background information, and have solid formulations. The abstract should include the following aspects of the content of the article: the subject, the purpose of work (if they are not apparent from the title of the article) method or the methodology of work and the results in the field of application (preference will be given to new results and data of long-term value, as well as data of practical importance). Conclusions can be accompanied by recommendations, ratings, suggestions, and hypotheses described in the article.

4. Keywords (3—6 words) — should reflect the main content of the article, if possible not repeating the terms of the titles and abstracts. They should use terms from the text of articles, as well as the terms that define the subject area and include other important concepts that will facilitate and enhance the possibility of finding the article by means of information retrieval system.

4. Article text with appendixes (if necessary).

5. References — list of references used in this article (not less than 10 sources). References should be built in accordance with GOST 7.0.5-2008 "Bibliographic references". The list should not include: government regulations, statistical compilations, official documents, archival materials, online publications. Links to such materials should be given in the footnotes.



  1. Голикова В. В., Долгопятова Т. Г., Симачев Ю. В. и др. Инсайдеры, аутсайдеры и хорошее корпоративное управление: российский опыт // Конкурентоспособность и модернизация экономики /
    Под ред. Е. Г.  Ясина. М.: Изд. дом ГУ ВШЭ, 2004. Кн. 1. С. 365—376.
  2. Дженсен М., Меклинг У. Х. Теория фирмы: поведение менеджеров, агентские издержки и структура собственности // Вестник С.-Петербургского ун-та. 2004. Вып. 4. С. 118—191. (Сер. «Менеджмент»).
  3. Долгопятова Т.  Г. Эмпирический анализ корпоративного контроля в российских компаниях: когда крупные акционеры отходят от исполнительного управления? // Российский журнал менеджмента. 2007. Т. 5. № 3. С. 27—52.
  4. Жданов Д.  А. Агентские отношения и организационное построение корпораций. Ч. 1 // Экономическая наука современной России. 2012. № 4. С. 91—97.
  5. Жданов Д. А. Агентские отношения и организационное построение корпораций. Ч. 2 // Экономическая наука современной России. 2013. № 2 [в печати].
  6. Капелюшников Р.  И., Демина Н. В. Влияние характеристик собственности на результаты экономической деятельности российских промышленных предприятий // Вопросы экономики. 2005a. № 2. С. 53—68.
  7. Капелюшников Р.  И., Демина Н.  В. Обновление высшего менеджмента российских промышленных предприятий: свидетельства «российского экономического барометра» // Российский журнал менеджмента. 2005b. Т. 3. № 3. С. 27—42.
  8. Российская корпорация: внутренняя организация, внешние взаимодействия, перспективы развития / Под ред. Т.   Г. Долгопятовой, И. Ивасаки, А.  А. Яковлева. М.: Изд. дом ГУ ВШЭ, 2009.
  9. Alchian A.  A., Demsetz H. Production, Information Costs, and Economic Organization //American Economic Review. 1972. No 62. P. 777—795.
  10. Radygin A. Privatization, Ownership Redistribution, and Formation of the Institutional Basis for Economic Reforms // The Economics of Russian Transition / Gaidar Y. (ed.). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003. Ch. 14. P. 395—459.
  11. Armstrong M., Wright J. Mobile Call Termination. 2007. September. Available at SSRN:

6. Information about the article in English including:

  • Affiliation — information about the authors in the English language (for each author): name, surname, degree, title, place of work (study) — full official English name of the organization, its mailing address (including zip code);
    e-mail. Address given in reverse order: the house number, street, city, zip code, country (for Russia — Russian Federation);
  • Title — translated title of the article;
  • Abstract in English, designed to serve as an independent source of information for foreign readers.
    It should be concise (100—250 words), original (not to be a literal translation of Russian annotations), content (to reflect the goals and objectives of articles, research methods, results and conclusions) and should be written in good English;
Alexander RADYGIN, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), professor, Gaidar Institute; Faculty of Economics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (82, Vernadsky prosp., Moscow, 119571, Russian Federation). .
Revold ENTOV, academician, Institute of World Economy And International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences; National Research University — Higher School of Economics; Gaidar Institute (5, Gazetny per., Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation). .

“Fundamental” Privatization Theorem: The Ideology, Evolution, Practice


The article analyzes the evolution of modern theoretical approaches to selecting of the optimal form of property and related assessment of privatization in the context of the strengths and weaknesses of the public and private sectors. The different interpretations of the “fundamental” privatization theorem are discussed — through “principal-agent” approach, a comparison of the structure of information flows, the combination of property and contract rights, taking into account the socio-political factors, etc. The authors analyze recent policy trends of privatization in Russia for 2010—2013 in the context of the “reluctant privatization” and the asymmetry of the processes of nationalization and privatization.
Key words: privatization, government failures, public policy, public choice, allocative efficiency, information.

  • References — repeats a list of references of the the Russian part (including sequence), but sources are given in Latin (authors and title of the article in transliteration [translated title of the article in square brackets], the name of the Russian-language source in transliteration [source name in square brackets (for books and monographs)], the output with the notation in English. The list must be drawn up by the standards adopted in Western journals. Transliteration resource is (transliteration method — LC (Library of Congress Slavic (Russian) Transliteration)).


  1. Golikova V.  V., Dolgopjatova T.  G., Simachev Ju.  V. et al. Insajdery, autsajdery i horoshee korporativnoe upravlenie: rossijskij opyt [Insiders, outsiders, and good corporate governance: the Russian experience ]. In: Jasin E.  G. (ed.) Konkurentosposobnost’ i modernizacija jekonomiki [Competitiveness and modernization of the economy]. Book 1. M.: HSE Publ., 2004, pp. 365-376.
  2. Dzhensen M., Mekling U.  H. Teorija firmy: povedenie menedzherov, agent-skie izderzhki i struktura sobstvennosti [Theory of the firm: managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure].
    Vestnik S.-Peterburgskogo un-ta, Ser. Menedzhment
    , 2004, Iss. 4, pp. 118-191.
  3. Dolgopjatova T.G. Jempiricheskij analiz korporativnogo kontrolja v rossijskih kompanijah: kogda krupnye akcionery othodjat ot ispolnitel’nogo upravlenija? [An empirical analysis of corporate control in Russian companies, when large shareholders are moving away from executive management?] Rossijskij zhurnal menedzhmenta, 2007, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 27-52.
  4. Zhdanov D.  A. Agentskie otnoshenija i organizacionnoe postroenie korporacij [Agency relationships and organizational structure of corporations]. Part 1. Ekonomicheskaja nauka sovremennoj Rossii, 2012, no. 4, pp. 91-97.
  5. Zhdanov D. A. Agentskie otnoshenija i organizacionnoe postroenie korporacij [Agency relationships and organizational structure of corporations]. Part 2. Ekonomicheskaja nauka sovremennoj Rossii, 2013, no. 2 [forthcoming].
  6. Kapeljushnikov R.  I., Demina N.  V. Vlijanie harakteristik sobstvennosti na rezul’taty jekonomicheskoj dejatel’nosti rossijskih promyshlennyh predprijatij [The influence of the characteristics of the property on the economic performance of Russian industrial enterprises]. Voprosy ekonomiki, 2005a. no. 2, pp. 53-68.
  7. Kapeljushnikov R. I., Demina N. V. Obnovlenie vysshego menedzhmenta rossijskih promyshlennyh predprijatij: svidetel’stva «rossijskogo jekonomicheskogo barometra» [Updating the senior management of Russian industrial enterprises: evidence of «Russian Economic Barometer»]. Rossijskij zhurnal menedzhmenta, 2005b, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 27-42.
  8. Dolgopjatova T.  G., Ivasaki I., Jakovlev A.  A. (eds.). Rossijskaja korporacija: vnutrennjaja organizacija, vneshnie vzaimodejstvija, perspektivy razvitija [Russian Corporation: internal organization, external cooperation, development prospects]. Moscow: HSE Publ., 2009.
  9. Alchian A.  A., Demsetz H. Production, Information Costs, and Economic Organization. American Economic Review, 1972, no. 62, pp. 777-795.
  10. Radygin A. Privatization, Ownership Redistribution, and Formation of the Institutional Basis for Economic Reforms. In: Gaidar Y. (ed.). The Economics of Russian Transition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003, ch. 14, pp. 395-459.
  11. Armstrong M., Wright J. Mobile Call Termination. 2007. September. Available at SSRN:


Requirements for registration of articles

1. Text of the article

  • format — Microsoft Word;
  • font — Times New Roman;
  • font size — 14, line spacing — 1.5;
  • text alignment — justified (width);
  • alignment of the header — in the center, with the spacing above and below;
  • colour of the text and headings — black;
  • the first line of the paragraph should have indent. Do not indent with spaces or tabs.

2. References in the text

References in the main text are given in square brackets: [Yakovlev, 2006] . Link to a specific page: [Mau, 2013. P. 6]. Link to several papers [De Soto, 2004; Cebula, 2011] .

3. Footnotes

Footnotes should be done by standard means of the Word and are placed in the bottom of the page.

4. Tables

Tables should be performed by standard means of the Word (menu 'Table'). Each item of the table must match its own cell (do not crush the rows by symbols of paragraph). For horizontal alignment use the appropriate buttons ('Center' or 'Align Left'), for the vertical alignment of the paragraph do not use symbols (better leave the default alignment). Do not use table design with color selection! For semantic selection use bold or italic.

5. Illustrations

If the article is supported by illustrative materials they should be provided source files. While charting use Microsoft Excel or Microsoft PowerPoint (file must contain the numerical data associated with the picture). Block diagrams can be done in Word. We also accept drawings, made in CorelDraw (not converting text to curves, file format *.cdr) or Adobe Illustrator (not converting text to curves, file formats *.ai, *.eps). File formats *.jpeg, *.gif, *.tif and any other rasterized images are not accepted!


Copyright statement

The Author (or every Coauthor) transfers to the Autonomous Non-commercial Organization “Editorial Board of the Journal Economic Policy” all exclusive rights on the paper free of charge for a term of continuance of these rights beginning from the moment of the paper's acceptance (including rights for translating, reproducing, republishing licensing, transferring, distributing, or otherwise using the paper in whole or in part for publication all over the world in academic, educational, scientific, technical or professional journals, periodicals, or derivative works; in printed and/or electronic versions of aforementioned journals, periodicals and/or works in all existing or possible future formats, and also the right to issue licenses for the use of the paper in aforementioned journals, periodicals and derivative works to the third parties).

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Reproduction, republication, transfer or any other distribution or use of the paper in whole or in part should be accompanied by reference of the following form: <title of the paper>, <name(s) of the Author (Coauthors)>, <title of the journal>, <volume>, <number>, <copyright of the Publisher — “ANO 'Editorial Board of the Journal Economic Policy'” or any other copyright owner specified in the publication>, <year of the first publication>.